Panduan Untuk Pemula Black Dessert Online
Ini adalah panduan bagi para pemula yang ingin memulai pertualangannya di dunia Black Dessert Online. Hal yang terpenting sebelum anda memulai pertualangan anda adalah dengan mengecek skill dan juga informasi dasar dari game ini.
Tidak lupa juga, untuk selalu mempelajari panduan bagaimana utnuk memulai segala sesuatu hal agar anda dapat memulai pertualangannya anda dengan nyaman. Pertualangan tanpa mengetahui dasar memang menantang, namun ketika anda mempelajari terlebih dahulu ifnormasi dasar dari game ini itu akan jauh lebih memberikan kepuasan.
My Information
Kamu bisa temukan informasi mengenai karakter yang anda mainkan pada menu game "My Info" . Tekan tombol 'P' untuk cara cepat membuka menu "My Info".
▲ Kamu bisa mengecek berbagai macam informasi karakter melalui “My information”(Shortcut “P”)
Potential List - Attack Speed: Meningkatkan kecepatan serangan fisik. (Warrior, Ranger, Musa, Maehwa, Ninja, Kunoichi, Ninja, Fury, Dark Knight, Striker) - Casting Speed: Meningkatkan kecepatan dalam menggunakan skill magic. (Sorceress, Valkyrie, Position, Wizard) - Movement Speed: Meningkatkan kecepatan gerakan dasar dari karakter.. - Critical Hit: Meningkatkan kemungkinan serangan kritikal padaketika serangan sukses. - Fishing Ability: Mengurangi waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam memancing. - Gathering Ability: Mengurangi semua waktu dalam melakukan "Collecting". - Luck: Meningkatkan kemungkinan mendapatkan item langka. * Enhancement dapat ditingkatkan melalui berbagai variasi peralatan ataupun melalui makanan ataupun item yang memberikan peningkatan status. |
Training List Breath: Dapat ditingkatkan dengan cara berlari tanpa menggunakan tunggangan. Ketika level training ini naik, stamina karakter juga akan meningkat. Strength: Dapat ditingkatkan dengan cara melakukan perjalanan menggunakan tas dagang. Ketika level naik, anda akan mendapatkan peningkatan pada 'Weight Limit Up' Health: Dapat ditingkatkan dengan cara memakan berbagai jenis makanan yang dapat dibuat sendiri ataupun dibeli dari pemain lain, mketika level naik akan meningkatkan kapasitas HP. |
Skills and Skill Points
Tekan "K" (shortcut dari Skills window) Untuk mengecek semua skill yang ada pada karakter anda.
Setiap karakter memiliki skill yang unik.
Kecuali spesial skill, level satu dari beberapa skill dicapai ketika anda mencapai level tertentu.
Setelahnya anda baru bisa mulai meningkatkan skill tersebut menggunakan skill poin yang diberikan.
Untuk karakter yang dibawah level 56, kamu dapat mereset kembali skill poin yang telah anda gunakan bilamana anda merasa tidak menyukainya.
Kebanyakan dari skill bisa digunakan langung menggunakan kombinasi tombol yang sudah disediakan daripada menggunakan fitur slot skill.
Ketika kamu arahkan cursor mu ke tiap skill, akan muncul panduan tombol untuk menggunakan skill tersebut. Sepert contohnya [Left click + Right click], [Shift + E].
Untuk kenyamanan dan sensasi permainan yang lebih baik, menggunakan tombol kombinasi lebih disarankan ketimbang menggunakan slot skill walau agak sedikit sulit mempelajarinya.
Tips Untuk Pemula
◆ Bagaimana cara untuk melakukan chat?
Kamu dapat merubah jenis chat mu dengan cara menekan tombol "Enter".
• General Chat: Alt+1
• Server Chat: Alt+2
• Whisper: Alt+3
• Party Chat: Alt+4
• Guild Chat: Alt+5
• World Chat: Alt+6
• Battlefield Chat: Alt+7
General Chat digunakan untuk berbicara dengan para pemain di sekitar karaktermu.
Server chats untuk mengirimkan pesan pada semua pemain di server yang sama (Balenos 1-3).
Tapi bilamana kamu menggunakan Server Chat, ini akan menggunakan 1 energimu.
Ini sangat berguna ketika kamu memiliki pertanyaan penting, atau ketika kamu sedang hangout bersama teman..
Bila kamu memilih whisper, kamu harus memasukkan nama dari akrakter temanmu di kotak sebelah kanan yang telah disediakan.
Kamu dapat menggunakan fitur party chat hanya ketika berada dalam suatu party, dan kamu harus bergabung dengan guild bila ingin menggunakan fitur guild chat.
World Chat dapat mengirimkan pesan kepada semua pemain di Black Dessert Online, harus membeli itemnya di Loyalties Shop.
Battlefield chat berfungsi untuk mengirimkan pesan pada semua peserta Battlefield termasuk Red Battlefield.
◆ Saya hanya ingin melihat pesan yang dipilih
Hampir semua jenis pesan aktif dari pertama. Hasilnya, ini membuat pusing kebanyakan pemain pemula. Pada saat seperti ini, kalian dapat mengaturnya dari menu pengaturan pesan.
Jika kamu menekan tombol CTRL dan mengarahkan pointer mouse aktifmu ke arah kotak pesan, kamu akan melihat sebuah gambar gerigi di dekat kotak pesan tersebut. kamu dapat melakukan setting untuk pesan yang ingin ditampilkan pada menu ini.
In the section of the view chat, you can select the chat that you want to see by checking or unchecking, and you can change the color as well. Add a chat window Use the + icon on the right side of the gear. Added chat window is available in UI edit mode (ESC → UI edit)
In the section of the view chat, you can select the chat that you want to see by checking or unchecking, and you can change the color as well. Add a chat window Use the + icon on the right side of the gear. Added chat window is available in UI edit mode (ESC → UI edit)
◆ I want to set the game screen as I want
The black desert interface can be customized via UI editing.
▲ You can execute interface edit mode by clicking Edit UI on the menu.
◆ Quest
Quests received through Black Spirit or NPCs are displayed on the widget on the right of the screen.
It is possible to display only the desired quests through 'Settings', and it is also possible to arrange them by the preference type and distance.
The important thing is 'Show normal quests'.
If you check here, all the NPCs and Black Spirit will give you quests that suits this setting.
What if a NPC called A gives a request B, and request B is a fishing type?
If the adventurers checked all requests or requests for fishing, they will not be able to receive B, but if they are unchecked, they will not be able to receive a request.
Therefore, it is advisable to proceed according to your preference.
If you just started playing Black Desert, it's enough to just check out the Battle Request.
◆ Automatic move to your destination!
It is easy to use the navigation function when conducting quests.
Either hover your mouse over the quest widget, right-click the quest's title, or left-click the red button to activate navigation to the destination. At this time, press 'T' button to move automatically.
In addition, if the automatic route is activated depending on the situation, if you press the ‘T’ button, you will be able to move to the destination automatically.
[Learn more about directions]
◆ Where is the NPC?
There is a huge number of NPCs in the Black Desert.
Therefore, it may be difficult for beginners to find a NPC immediately.
In this case, use 'Find NPC' function.
At the top right of the screen, there is a mini-map with a magnifying glass icon. Clicking this will activate the 'Find Near NPC' window.
Just click on the NPC you want here and the route will be activated to the nearest NPC from where you stand.
You can also search by entering the NPC’s name by typing the name into ‘Find NPC’ located at the bottom.
Press the T button as you have learned, and you will automatically run to the corresponding NPC.
◆ Combat and non-combat stance
You can switch between combat and non-combat stance by pressing the 'Tab' key.
• Non-combat stance
- Fast movement speed and low stamina consumption
- Can interact with mounts, objects and NPCs, but cannot use combat skills
• Combat stance
- Slow moving speed and high stamina consumption
- A state in which acquired combat skills can be used but cannot interact with anything.
◆ Can I use skill points on any skill that I want?
Of course! Feel free to put your skills points on any skill that you want. Combat skills can be reset any time if you are under level 56. Just try out any skill, and then you can select another one by using ‘All reset’.
◆ The screen is too shaky when I’m in a combat
is an action-emphasized game.
The camera effect is also a part of creating a dynamic scene.
However, there are some people who feel dizzy until they get used to it. In this case, you can adjust it in "settings".
ESC > Settings > Display Settings > All Camera Effect Settings
◆ There are too many requests. Do I have to do all of it?
The quests of are diverse and there are numerous numbers of them. So the adventurers are scared (?) wondering if they have to do them all. You do not have to be ashamed! The senior adventurers felt the same way when they first entered the Black Desert.
First of all, the quests from the black spirit are mainly related to combat.
So until you reach 50Lv, it is good to go through the related quests step by step.
You can learn hunting ("grind") ground information through the quests from the black spirit, and learn about the systems as well.
You can earn all kinds of weapons and armor as well as the black stone which you need in order to enhance.
In addition, quests given by general NPCs are classified as Story (General) / Combat / Life / Fishing / Others.
You will receive contribution points as a compensation for most of these quests.
"Contribution" is a value that has influence in World, and it adds more value as you go toward the later parts.
So you need to choose if you want to complete your quest while you grow up (level up) and get your exp beforehand, or if you want to reach 50Lv quickly and then decide to fulfill your contribution exp.
If you want to understand the world view provided by the Black Desert, it is a good idea to proceed with your quest.
There are many interesting stories in every corner of the world, and you can come across these stories through quests.
Do not be afraid, you can proceed as you feel like.
◆ How can I buy items?
In , the items include various kinds of equipment, consumables, and spoils.
You probably have a lot of questions about the equipment when you start playing a game.
The most basic things are usually available from the store (NPC).
However, for better equipment, it is better to buy items through the marketplace.
To use the marketplace, you need to meet an NPC that has a title of "Marketplace Director".
This NPC is only available in the villages of Velia, Heidel, Calpheon, Altinova, and Valencia. In other words, it only exists in in big towns.
▲ It’s easier if you use “Nearby NPC" function!
If you go to the NPC, you can use the marketplace.
Then you can buy almost everything in the Black Desert, registered by other adventurers.
[More about marketplace]
◆ Fishing and gathering
If you are an adventurer who focuses on accumulating life and wealth rather than having a combat, you may find it fun to go fishing.
In addition, the pleasure of discovering the collection that exists all over the area is another attraction of .
If you want to learn these life contents in a tutorial form (quest), you call the black spirit first.
Then press [Guide] on the various buttons.
Then you can get information on the location of quests such as collection/processing, cooking, and fishing.
▲ You can easily play if you use the black spirit guide.
◆ My character’s speed has slowed down
If you move to a location other than the road, you can have restrictions on movement speed depending on the state of the road, which is displayed at the top of the mini-map.
Also, if it exceeds the character's weight limit, the movement speed will be slower.
◆ What should I do when I die? How can I resurrect?
If you are dead in the Black Desert, you can resurrect from the town or the node.
"Resurrect in town" means that you resurrect from the town nearest from where you died, and Resurrect in node" means that resurrect from the town nearest node you died.
The important thing is that the resurrection in town/node is only applied to places where you’ve found already. Therefore, be careful not to die in places where the surroundings are not clear.
For reference, if you are die at level 10 or lower, you can always use [Instant Resurrect]
When you reach level 11 or higher, you will need Elion's tear to use [Instant Resurrect]
◆ The character is not moving
When the character is isolated from a non-movable area, you can escape to any nearby area by pressing ESC and using the 'Escape' menu. However, once you use escape, you will not be able to use it again until a certain period of time passes.
◆ I want to take screenshots more clearly
If you use Ctrl + U button, you can take screenshots without the game UI.
• Camera Mode Shortcuts
- Ctrl + Shift + Up and down: Color filter
- Ctrl + Shift + Left: Toggle camera view
- Ctrl + Shift + Right: Toggle Film Noise
- Shift + Up / Down: Adjust the viewing angle (FOV)
- Shift + Left / Right: Tilt
※ No change: Move position (direction key), DOF (Ctrl + direction key)
※ Three color filters have been added.
※ Mouse position effect is not displayed.
* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.
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